Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Luke's teddy bear of sorts

This picture is a few weeks old, but very indicative of where we are these days.  Last night he slept with two miniature motorcycles (a bit bigger than this matchbox car).  Absolutely would not let them go as he reluctantly went down at 8:30pm (yes, also where we are these days).  At 3am I woke up to "Momma!  Momma!" and made my way to his bedroom.  "Want motorcycles," he said.  Turns out he also wanted something to drink so we took a trip to the kitchen.  The night ended with me bringing him into bed and falling asleep with mini motorcycles being driven all over my face.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

By the pond

Luke's favorite thing to do these days is throw rocks into the neighborhood pond.  We have unearthed every large rock surrounding the pond, and yet he wants more.  Just today, I found myself noticing rocks around the neighbors house that I thought about stealing to satiate this kid...the things we do for love.

New use for legos


We quickly realized this toy belonged on carpeted surfaces, or else a helmut would be in order.  

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008


Luke loves everyone else's shoes.  However, since his feet are almost as big as mine now, he always goes back to Mommy's shoes.  These boots are a big favorite - after he wears them, he makes me wear them.  One time he even made wear them to his school one morning.  With sweatpants.